Sunday, June 10, 2012

Detail Update

Getting a little more into the details here.  Most of the time was spent on the hair.  I end up using a lot of stitching and filters to get a somewhat painterly look to look to the hair. One of the visual pillars of this project is never going too cartoonish or too realistic.  It's always somewhere in the middle.

I've been reading "The Hobbit" again for the dozenth time.  That's melting a little into the character, since Mario is taking on a slight Bilbo appearance.  I'm embracing since I feel like young Mario is also somewhat innocent and aloof. 

Also something worth of note is the eyes.  That's the very first bit of detailing I do to characters, especially with children models.  It sets the entire tone of the character.  I always recommend working that out from the start.

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