Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mass Update

I thought I would drop by and update the blog really quick...so hello everyone!  I'm just about wrapping on the big website/resume/blog/linkedin updating push.  It's been a real journey for me during the last week.  I actually can't believe how fast all the different pieces came together.

They say (whoever "They" is) that you should update your demo reel every 6 months.  While this sounds like a no brainer, in reality it's difficult to keep up with. Life always finds a way of intervening with your art.  Also when you work an insane amount of hours the last thing you want to do is come home and work on your demo reel.

But moving forward I definitely want to make more of an effort to do this.  The last time I made a demo reel was 2007 and for years my old reel sat around while my art progressed, mostly off the grid.  This new reel displays my talents much better.  It's format is almost much more friendlier to updates.  The template allows me to just swap in new characters in place of older ones.  Atleast until I do a major change to the format.

I'm also thinking that I would like to either do an environmental art reel or a generalist reel.  I have enough stuff that I think it would be kind of fun to put it on display.  Environments are really fun to render because you can move through them (the down side to rendering characters).

I also made a plan for new pieces that don't include any of the new Mad Mario stuff.  These are brand new and will be made to display very particular skills.  So look for news on that in the future.  For now, check out a shorter cut of the demo reel: http://www.dennisflath.com/projects/4452321#1

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