Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Presentation Shot

I ended up with two different versions of the "presentation opening" for Togo. This is the format in which you will be introduced to each character in the demo reel. I initially wanted to give each character a different screen, but I wanted a unity to the reel that I was lacking the first time around. I might slightly alter the look, but the Agents and Mario's page should look very similar.

I have two variations. The one is more of the early 1930's deco feel. Sepia tone throughout. The second is almost identical accept for color palette. Here I wanted to introduce more black and white contrast, as well as subtle sickly green. I felt that I wanted something on tone to match the classic Universal Pictures monsters. I was going for Frankenstein. I've been looking at them so long that I've lost my artist eye. I'll sleep on the decision.

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