Sunday, June 10, 2012

Detail Update

Getting a little more into the details here.  Most of the time was spent on the hair.  I end up using a lot of stitching and filters to get a somewhat painterly look to look to the hair. One of the visual pillars of this project is never going too cartoonish or too realistic.  It's always somewhere in the middle.

I've been reading "The Hobbit" again for the dozenth time.  That's melting a little into the character, since Mario is taking on a slight Bilbo appearance.  I'm embracing since I feel like young Mario is also somewhat innocent and aloof. 

Also something worth of note is the eyes.  That's the very first bit of detailing I do to characters, especially with children models.  It sets the entire tone of the character.  I always recommend working that out from the start.

Young Mario Base Color

Got a little time in tonight on the texture.  Mostly "under the hood" UV and ambient occlusion cleanup work.  However I made enough progress that my base hues have been chosen. I figured I would try to update a little more often with young Mario so you could see my process in a bit more detail.

The red and brown look of the original Super Mario (NES) was always interesting to me.  They switched him over to red and blue clothes later on.  Since I'm telling a darker origin story, I want to get back to those warmer colors.

I'll tackle all the texture details at the same time (face, clothes, boots, pants, etc.) however the head is where most of my time will go.  Children are very difficult to texture because they have such soft features.  My approach this time around will be to concentrate on the pinks and reds where the fatty tissue is.  You can already see part of this with the ears.  The nose and cheeks are next. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Doing The Time Warp

Hey everyone, really quick update.  I finished young Mario's model sometime shortly after my last post.  Unfortunately the hand-me-down PC that I was donated kicked the bucket and I was without one for a while.  However I'm back up and running (with a new PC might I add!).

I'm all setup for texturing the character now.  Should be pretty smooth sailing from here.  The base texture is all worked out.  I just need to play with the colors and detail it up.

Young Mario Compared to Old Mario

The fun part of this is making a character at two stages of his life in 3D.  I love trying to make young Mario look like old Mario while still retaining that baby face.  I have to say, I'm really looking forward to making Luigi and the rest of Mario's extended family.  That's all I'll say for now.