Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wario Design Adjustments and Mad Mario Update

After I created the concept image for Wario, I placed Mario in the same image and began making some minor adjustments to each character. These little tweaks helped bring about some unity. I thought I would share this with everyone.

I also thought I would update you all on the overall Mario project. I currently have the entire Mad Mario story outline complete. I've been over it with a fine toothed comb and finally have it in a place that I'm very happy with. Its been extremely difficult but well worth the trip.

Each night I have been sitting down to a notebook and work on 2 to 3 pages of the script. So far I'm done Act 1 (out of 3) and have moved on to Act 2. As I'm working on writing, I'm typing up what I have so far, editing, and plan on sharing the story with several friends for feedback.

This has been a real creative journey. What started out as a fun, quick, artistic experiment has become something very deep and personal to me. I'm committed to bring my vision of these characters to life and don't feel that I can tell any other story until I get this off my chest.

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