Monday, December 28, 2009

Togo Progress

Very busy lately, but I managed to put some more time into Togo. Currently I'm in the additive process with this character. Now that I have a good base texture, I'm working out the SSS shader, hair and cloth. I'll eventually return to the skin texture and add more dirt to this. The chest area, specifically the nipples, need some more work.

You can see that I've added a beard to the character. This was always something that I toyed with. I was inspired by pictures of Charles Manson. After all, Togo eventually becomes a serial killer.

This also serves to bring more attention to face and mouth.

I'll hit the eyes next. I'll have to spend a good deal of time getting that right. Currently most of this is temp, and I'm sure it will all change during this last 10% of the project. I'm looking forward to playing around with this until it looks right.