Sunday, September 13, 2009

At Toys R Us-Times Square, New York City

I took this picture at the Toys R Us in Times Square a couple weeks ago.

Sometimes you work on something so much that you forget what it is you're making. Deadlines, extra work hours, and lack of weekends is all that you think about. "Circus Star" was like that. I was new at the studio, and I started working on this during the last third of development. There was a huge amount of props to be created, but yet, everything was finished.

I'm proud of this game. It's the first game I've worked on to be published, and I've grown a fond attachment to it's quirkiness. But what seeing this at Time Square reminded me of, is that anyone in the United States can buy and experience something that I've worked on. So often I forget about that. It's amazing to me. If you wanted to, you could go to a Gamestop, and buy a game I've worked on. I'm proud of that.

When the work keeps coming and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I stop and think about all those families that bought this game. That is what makes working on games entirely worth it. That, and the fact that it's sitting on the self next to a copy of "Ghostbusters!"